And so, it begins

I'm starting off sore today. I slept decently* and didn't strain myself much yesterday, so I'm not sure why all of my joints hurt. Missed breakfast, but made a smoothie** for lunch just after 12pm and made a box of KD with peas to share with the family. Also snacked on a few cookies... No nausea, but stomach feels a little heavy 3.5 hours after eating. Thinking yoga instead of a workout today.

* In bed at 10pm, asleep around 11pm, woken up once or twice between 5-7am, got up and showered at 7:10am
** leftover spinach pieces, frozen mango, 1 banana, almond milk


I took a break from work at 5pm to do a 20 minute restorative yoga session. Gosh did I ever need it, it really seems to have helped with my soreness, I just hope it lasts through the rest of my evening.

Workout tomorrow?
